Videoing on games
SI can provide camera staff to video games.
Package includes:
- Camera staff member
- Camera Equipment
- Camera staff to provide club with vision immediately after game. Club to provide memory stick/hard driv
Approx Cost: $300
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The most simple and sophisticated tagging software in the world is Dartfish.
The Dartfish, ‘Note’ app as an example is free! It is the most used tagging app in the world as it is used by under 10’s basketball to professional netball.
SI can provide tagging apps and software so KPI’s can be recorded live or post match.
SI can provide staff or train your staff on how to set up tagging templates so these can be used as required.
If you want it tagged then it can be tagged.
Our training/learning area we will have a collection of panels that can easily be downloaded and replicated.
This package can include:
- Dartfish Note
- Dartfish Software
- Training
- Tagging Panels
- Tagging staff
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Tagging & Videoing
Videoing and Tagging
For many clubs SI provides both videoing and tagging of events/training, games.
This means that 1-2 staff can provide the club with already tagged footage streamed ‘Live’ or ‘Post Match.’ Each year the No of clubs requiring tagging and video files post match has risen enormously mainly due to the lack of, ‘volunteers’ at club level.
Coaches can provide a professional overview of performance no matter what support is provided ‘In-Club.’
Package includes:
- Videoing of game
- Camera staff member
- Camera Equipment
- Tagging of game
- Tagging Equipment
- Tagging panels KPI’s as discussed with club
- Camera staff to provide club with vision immediately after game. Club to provide memory stick/hard drive
- Note: Vision will be provided to club after the game but tagging of match will most likely be provided approx. 24hrs after match unless stated otherwise
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Customised Options
Customised Options may include:
- Game Day Capture
- Training Capture
- Drill Capture
- Side View Footage
- Grandstand Footage(The Norm)
- Birds Eye(Drone) Footage
- Behind the Goals Footage
- Huddle Capture
- Interviews
- Club Documentary
- Tagging
- Training
- Feedback examples
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