Coaching umpires is difficult. You can’t teach people to have a feel for the game. What you can do is use video. Showing umpires where they have got a decision right or wrong is much easier than it was twenty years ago. Footage of most matches is easy to obtain. Video of where an umpire positions himself or herself is also useful. You can’t get the decision right if you are in the wrong position! And drone footage is an even better way of teaching umpires the right spots to run to and the right angles to take. If they are in the right spot, and they have a good understanding of the game, umpires will generally make the right decision. If an umpire isn’t an optimal distance from a contest they will be likely to make more mistakes. If they run to the wrong side of a pack they will make more mistakes. Drone footage will quickly show an umpire if they are taking the right options. It will quickly show if they are the optimal distance from a contest.