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2019 Events will be loaded on Dec 1 2018.
Should you have any queries please contact info@sportsinteractive.biz

90 minute custom, live online webinar-based training is tailored to meet your needs. Web-based training is a cost-effective way to get personal Dartfish training. After registering, you will be contacted to get information about your project, so that we are able to plan appropriately. A training date and time will be coordinated to fit your schedule, and then login details will be sent to you.
Price – $180
A 3 session online training bundle is offered at a discounted rate.
Register for an online session

One of our Dartfish Certified Trainers will provide custom, onsite training for you and your staff. This training is ideal for organizations that need a few people trained in custom use of the technology. After registering for onsite training, you will be contacted to gather information about your project in order to maximize the time we spend together. A training date will be set and pre-training materials will be sent to all attendees.
The cost includes all travel-related expenses for the trainer. Additional training days can be added at a reduced rate. A minimum of 3 weeks advance booking is required for onsite training.
Interested? Contact Us

Dartfish Training Workshops are conducted in various locations during the year. These courses are typically in conjunction with Dartfish Certified Training. Attendees complete just the portions of the course that they are interested in – Technical Analysis and/or Match Analysis (Tagging).
Full-day immersion training is interactive, allowing the candidate to cover advanced features of the Dartfish solution. Course certificates are awarded to attendees, and counts toward DCT certification (within 12 months of completion). Attendance may also be recognized for credit for certain organizations.
2019 Course Schedule
Please see upcoming events schedule Above
Example of courses may be:
Day 1 – Technical Analyst
Day 2 – Tagging Analyst (Game Film Breakdown)
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Coaching Courses
Sports Interactive Coaching courses vary depending on your own personal needs.
Most are tailored to your specific needs around tagging, using a drone and camera to take sporting footage or uploading footage to your club or schools TV channel. In 2019 our courses will reflect the impact technology has had on the sport. They will not just be about how to obtain player and coach performance information but how this can best be utilized.
This means our presenters will be the coaches who actually use the technology in their everyday sports whether this is for training or game day. training@sportsinteractive.biz
Sports Interactive can support various sports through their consulting services.
This may be to design camera positions, microphone distances or just which digital services to include.