The League
For any employer the sole aim is to represent their employees.
When it comes to sporting leagues there are more than just employees to represent. There are a host of clubs that consist of:
- Volunteers
- Supporters
- Players
- Coaches
- And much, much more
So as to represent everyone involved it is important that every sport in every league has a checklist of what is required to support it constituents.
In working with leagues over the last 30 years we see the following as a beneficial checklist:
1. Medical/Injury
Sports Interactive(SI) is delighted that leagues have taken on board the importance of vision when it comes to the health of all involved whether it be during the week or game day.
We now have incidents captured on film and snapshots taken through the Dartfish APP and software options.
A perfect example is concussion. What does your league have in place to support players with concussion? It is wonderful that leagues have asked clubs(trainers) to take footage and grab images of concussion incidents. To provide paramedics and doctors with this type of incident and post trauma data is seen as very helpful.
In 2017 over 80 injuries were captured to help diagnosis. A simple Dartfish App on a trainers phone can be a starting point.
These pieces of footage are now being used as part of training of medical staff.

2. Match Review/Tribunal/Protecting your partners
There is extreme concern at all games regarding the number of incidents:
- In the crowd
- During breaks
- Around Umpires
- During play
- Behind play
Through our various forms of footage there is NO reason why leagues cannot have all these areas covered by:
- Side on vision
- Behind the goals vision
- Drone Vision
- Static Cameras

Match Review Footage
Through the use of the Dartfish 360s software league officials have now made a difficult task a simple one. In 2017 leagues were able to simply cut(tag) the vision of the desired incident.
Uisng the software, footage could be slowed down at any required ratio. Still shots, annotaions and simple video packages could be made to be shared among the committees and players involved. The outcome was that the league had a quality tool to anlyse.
ALL incidents were placed in a folder in case they were needed at a later point.
The alternative is confusion and inconsistency.
3. Promotion
As a casa qualified drone pilot SI provided leagues with a multitude of images and footage to enable unprecedented coverage throughout 2017. This included overhead footage of break huddles, behind the goal footage for designated clubs, analysis of the use of the bench and much more.
This type of vision allowed for greater promotion and interest of the game and in turn larger sponsorship $’s.

4. League TV
Without doubt the easiest way to promote your league is to set up your own LEAGUE TV.
Too many leagues have thrown their footage onto youtube without thinking of the consequences.
How do we keep track of games, rounds, public folders, private folders, match review incidents, injuries and highlights including interleague games etc.
The answer is set up your own LEAGUE TV. Place all your footage and build a subscription base.
The TV can be paid for in a variety of ways including club levy’s, the league or so easily by sponsorship.
Please discuss with us the simplicity of having these LEAGUE TV’s sponsored. Remember the better the footage, the interviews, the highlights – the greater the sponsorship involvement!